Sunday, January 2, 2011

Resolutions '11

I have had a habit of writing down a plethora of resolutions at the glorious beginning of every year, and forgetting them in a month's time. Everything from 'being a better daughter' to 'drinking more water' and 'partying more' has made it to my list during my adolescent years. However, this year I'm going to keep it crisp and simple-

New Years Resolutions 2011

1. Figure things out.

(My list goes a step further by clearly defining what falls under the abstract term things.)


  • Life
  • Love
  • The Past
  • The Present
  • The Moment
  • The Universe
  • My Place in it
  • My Path,
    • From a spiritual perspective
    • From a worldly perspective
  etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

Well, it's not that I do not realize the gravity of my undertaking. After all, I am trying to solve problems that humanity as a collective entity has not been able to comprehend throughout all its millennia of existence. But there is clearly no harm, other than busting a few brain cells and heart fibers, in trying.


    1. you sure this is a new year resolution? sure you wanna keep that word singular? 'cause by the looks of it, it's going to take way more than one year, and by the 31st of 2011, i'm pretty sure you'll be disappointed, no? ;) only joking =D

      but seriously, the list itself is very compact and simple, but the contents of the list are incredibly complex. so. bravo on that contradiction. =p

      and happy new year!

    2. It's an all-in-one package that, once realized, solves every question ever raised. A universal equation? Will keep you posted about my progress :)
      And happy new year to you too!


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