Friday, March 2, 2012

On Fears...

If this blog is to be truly confessional, my abode of secrets, the place I come to to share all that is in me, then I should start with my fears. The biggest, most perverse fear I have is not the thought of dying alone, not the danger of a global nuclear annihilation, nor the horror of watching your own children grow up listening to haraam music. It is unemployment.

I agree, I may never be un-employed. I will find a job, somewhere. If worse comes to worst, I will scrub toilet seats, or may be even become a newspaper columnist in the obituary section. Because we all know, no matter what happens to the economy, there are always obituaries to be written.

But honestly, the fear of not knowing where you are going can be crippling at times. I made a promise to myself long ago, so long ago that I cannot recall when, that I would follow my heart. I was born a dreamer.
I was also born naive. Groping in the dark, I stubbornly believe that I can make a difference. I do not know what it is that I want to change. There is so much in this world I would rather do away with, "as housewives do a fly." I want to rid the world of hunger, teach every child to read and write, legalize cannabis.
My struggle today is small- feeding myself off canned vegetarian vegetable soup, teaching myself out of borrowed textbooks and waiting for spring blossoms.

The above mentioned fear and the resulting rant was inspired by a performance by Avenue Q!


  1. I guess to take a realistic or 'cynical' view of the world would be to realize that it's near impossible for a single person to make a major difference (even inventors don't make much of a difference on their own, if you think about it). With acceptance of that fact, I have found, it is easier to work towards making the smaller changes which are within our power. As we gain more influence in the world, we could enforce more change for the betterment of society. :)

  2. Ya I agree with you on that Ramindu. We all can make a difference, no matter how small. And at the end of the day, it is raindrops that make up the oceans :)


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