Thursday, November 4, 2010

Can't Get My Eyes Off You...

Often time I find myself simply unable to get my eyes off you. I don't care for food, I don't care for sleep- all I want to do is read another page, another chapter. I want to know how you will end, yet I don't want you to end.

I read every page with such consciousness, overcome with empathy- never have I been a better listener.

Running, running with you, gnawing at drying bone. You whisper in my ear and bring me to climax.

Literature noun /ˈlɪt.ər.ɪ.tʃər/: pain and suffering recorded in written media, especially with a high and lasting artistic value.

Sometimes I wonder if it is the masochist within me who is so eagerly absorbing the brutality unleashed before my eyes. For few are the stories that end in happiness, with heroes, or heroine for that matter, triumphs and the villains are punished or may be even humanely forgiven. No, those are but fairy tales.

What about Real stories?
  • Real stories end in violence/ murder/ suicide.
  • Real stories end with dreams lost/ wings broken.
  • Real stories make you whither from within/temporarily perplexed ie paralyzed/ make your skin scaly
  • etc. etc. etc.
Because that is the way it is, Reality.

The End

And when I do reach that final page, I stop, take a deep breath and allow you to enter my reverie. Honestly, I think about you all the time. Well, at least until I find someone else. And may be, just may be, if you were really any good I might remember you for the rest of my life.

Want to know what sorta writing makes me dizzy and giddy? Stay tuned for my personal book reviews. Nothing fancy- just a rambling about what I do and do not like about books and their authors.

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